27 Apr 2014

The First Big Break - Pt 4, Sachsische Schweiz

Day 6 – Weds

Wednesday 16 April marked the halfway point for our getaway and the 9 year point for our marriage!  We left Dresden and headed southwest to the next stopover, Koenigstein, in Sachsische Schweiz (Saxon Switzerland).  Unfortunately due to Sat Nav wobble, we missed the turn off for the stellplatz and ended up on the other side of the river; fate had obviously intervened as we ended up at a much nicer location, here.  We couldn’t have chosen a lovelier place to celebrate our anniversary.  And after the grey day we had yesterday, the sun came out!

The First Big Break - Pt 3, Dresden

Day 5 - Tue

Following our enlightening trip to Colditz, we made our way to the next overnight stop in Dresden.  At 14 euros, it wasn’t the cheapest, but being Dresden, we had expected the price to sneak up.

The First Big Break - Pt 2, Colditz

Day 4 - Monday

After umming and ahhing about the next stop, we decided we’d take a look at Colditz Castle en route to Dresden.

23 Apr 2014

The First Big Break (well, 10 days) - Pt 1

Again, I'm starting to lag behind on the updates.  Must try harder.

So we're back from our first 'bigger than ever before but not that big really' break away in Dora and it was great.  It's just confirmed what we already knew and we're now really, really looking forward to the big off.

7 Apr 2014


Well, it’s Monday and another motorhome weekend has been and gone.
Stadthagen, another town on the Deutsche Fachwerk Strasse, was the destination this time.  After a couple of hours taking the scenic route from our house, we arrived early on Friday evening at the stellplatz at Tropicana.  Parking and tank emptying was free, with electric hook up and water available for a small fee.


If you look really closely, you can just about see where we parked...

Windmills and cheapskates

In addition to France, we had heard that Germany is ideally set up for motorhome travel and so far we haven’t been disappointed.  On the weekend of 21 Mar, we headed to Gifhorn and a free stellplatz outside the Allerwelle swimming pool complex.  As is usually (but not always) the case, there was water and electricity available at additional cost, but grey and black could be emptied free of charge; we love free weekends!

5 Apr 2014


So, I've already started to lag behind on the blogging front.  I must admit, this is the first blog I've ever written and it does take a lot of inspiration to keep it up to date.  Unfortunately, as we're only away for a couple of days at a time before the weekly grind starts again, I've been lacking the enthusiasm required to create anything vaguely worth reading.  However, I am pressing on regardless in the hope that more regular updates reinvigorate my creative side!

1 Apr 2014


Next up, on 28 Feb,  Oberhaverbeck.  Again, with it being out of season, we had the place to ourselves and, it was free!


It’s just over 6 weeks since the Dora adventure began and we’ve averaged around 100 miles each weekend, which is bang on target for the kind of mileage we’ll want to be doing when we set off on our travels (around 50 or 60 miles a day).  Any more than that and we’d just end up missing too much and spending too much on fuel.  It also takes a lot longer to get anywhere in a motorhome so slow and steady is the way we roll!