5 Apr 2014


So, I've already started to lag behind on the blogging front.  I must admit, this is the first blog I've ever written and it does take a lot of inspiration to keep it up to date.  Unfortunately, as we're only away for a couple of days at a time before the weekly grind starts again, I've been lacking the enthusiasm required to create anything vaguely worth reading.  However, I am pressing on regardless in the hope that more regular updates reinvigorate my creative side!

It's now 7 weeks and a day since Dora entered our lives and since Oberhaverbeck, we've visited 7 other towns within the Niedersachsen area.  Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) is the county in northern Germany where we currently reside and as we're still only able to go for weekends away due to work commitments, we've been limiting ourselves to towns and villages within 100km or thereabouts.

After a lovely quiet weekend in Oberhaverbeck, the next weekend, we headed to Nienburg on the Deutsche Fachwerk Strasse.  For anyone who doesn't want to follow the link, it's basically a tourist trail through some beautiful areas of Germany from the Elbe river near Hamburg, right down to Lake Constance.  Each town or village has a considerable number of half timber (Fachwerk) buildings and there are plenty of attractions along the way, from castles and museums, to craft fairs and cycleways galore.  Stupidly, although we had a good look around in the evening (far fewer people around and a lot more atmospheric in our opinion), we didn't actually take any photos of the town.  We're a bit rubbish like that, but we're really trying to get into the habit of actually taking the camera with us!  Nienburg old town is a lovely little place. Full of half timber houses (as you would expect), very few cars and the smell of woodsmoke in the air, you would be forgiven for thinking you'd somehow walked through a portal to a past century.

The stellplatz, although not the most scenic, is within a 10 minute walk to the centre and cost just 6 euros a night.  It was also very handy for Obi (Germany's version of B&Q) and Famila (Supermarket), which were both literally over the road.

We'll be heading back to Nienburg soon and this time, will take some pictures!

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