5 Jul 2014

Long overdue update

So it's been almost 2 months since our last update;no excuses, I'm just not very good at keeping things up to date right now. Since the last update, some significant progress has been made towards our great escape. The most recent development being that we have sold our car! The only motorised mode of transport we now own is Dora. With just over 2 months until we leave Germany, we were keen to sell the car to give us one less thing to worry about, so it's a huge weight off our minds. We've also managed to sell a good amount of furniture and other bits and pieces, but we still have a few weeks and a lot of stuff left until the cull is complete.

We have around 5 weeks left at work and 9 weeks altogether until we leave Germany. We'll be heading back to the UK in early September to do the family rounds and tie up any last bits and pieces before we board the Eurotunnel in mid October and the big adventure can begin!

Although 13 weeks still seems like an age away, it's a lot less than 13 months, which is approximately how long we had to wait when we first made the decision to go travelling. It's been emotional and I know we're not off that rollercoaster yet, but the sadness and reluctance at losing the material possessions of our old life are slowly but surely being replaced by the excitement and anticipation of what's to come.

It's still a little surreal to be honest, but everything is in place and we're just playing the waiting game now. We're still getting away for weekends where we can, but we're just biding our time now until we don't have that Sunday feeling any more.

I don't want to wish our lives away, but roll on September!

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