17 Oct 2014

Cheesy cidre in Criel sur mer

After making the most of the free water opportunity, we headed to our fifth free overnight stop at Criel sur mer.  You might have noticed a distinct pattern in all of our stopovers so far.  We’ve decided to follow the coast more often than not, or at least until we get further south to warmer climes.

The sun came out today at last and we were blessed with a beautiful sea view without even having to leave Dora!

As is becoming normal form, the first thing we do on arrival at a stopover is take Powell for a wander to stop him being a grouch after the journey.  He was treated to yet another beach walk today, but this time we kept him on the lead with the beach being so close to the road and him having no road sense.
Next up was the important task of finding a supermarket in order to purchase some beer and wine.  After a 20 or so minute walk, we found a petit magasin (little shop to all of you non French people!).  Pete picked up some beer and a suitably large box of wine for me, in addition to some locally produced cidre.  As the weather had picked up and the walk back was rather warm, we were quite excited about trying a nice cool bottle of local produce.  Unfortunately though, it wasn’t quite what we expected.  I’m not a blue cheese fan at all and this was like the blue cheese of the cider world; it literally tasted of mouldy apples.  We obviously have a thing or two to learn about French cider...lesson one being don’t buy it.  Maybe we’re just not refined enough to appreciate the subtle flavours...anyway, I’ll stick to my wine for now; you can’t really go wrong with French wine.

We’ve seen a few Brit motorhomes in transit in the last few days, but we’ve only seen one parked up.  I guess it’s the time of year where most are either en route back to UK or have already made the long dash to the sun in Portugal.  We’re happy enough pootling along.  We’ve started to wonder how we ever managed to get up for work in the mornings as we’re rarely out of bed before 9am these days.  Oh how we miss going to work every day...oh no, that’s right, we don’t.
Our spot for the night

The view from the 'dining room'

An almost perfectly round rock Pete found on the beach

Cheesy cidre - je n'aime pas

1 comment:

  1. that sure was a big stone that pete found on the beach
