22 Oct 2014

Biscuits at last!!

Can you tell where we shopped?!
Today we left St Jouin and headed south to Ouistreham, the start of the D Day beaches.  First stop was the enormous Carrefour in the centre commercial to pick up supplies.  Never go shopping when you’re hungry....

After failing to acquire any at our last stopover, we now have enough biscuits to feed an army and have also tried our first drop of Calvados; it smells like Christmas and tastes like white spirit with an appley aftertaste!  I think the one bottle we have will last a good while; it’s certainly not for swigging!

The first stopover was initially supposed to be an aire right by the coast in Ouistreham costing €8, but including free water.  On arrival, we weren’t overly impressed with it and it was right next to the Brittany ferries part of the port.  I checked our stopover bible and found another aire in Hermanville sur Mer, only 2 miles up the road and slightly further inland, which turned out to be free AND have free water!  10 nights and so far, we’ve only paid for two of them; we know it can’t last, but while we’re in France, we’ll be paying for as few as possible.

Over the next few days, we’ll be exploring the coastline where the allied troops landed on 6 June 1944, marking the beginning of the end of WW2.  Our next update will be at the conclusion of our mini battlefield tour, rather than a daily update.  It’s going to be an emotional few days methinks.


  1. I bloomin' love Carrefour! We were only ever limited by what we could fit in the truck...

    1. Wow!! I wish....Dora doesn't have much cupboard space unfortunately, so we've had to eat most of our supplies to save space :-) x
