20 Oct 2014

Biscuit hunt in Bruneval

You know when you could just eat something sugary, like a biscuit or some cake, but there’s nothing in the cupboards to satisfy the craving....?

Today we travelled to St Jouin Bruneval; a sleepy hollow of a village just outside Le Havre.  Not long after we arrived at the free aire, we decided we both fancied something sweet, but as we had nothing in, we set off with Powell to find a shop that sold biscuits.

We went the long way around, going downhill on the road (in the absence of any obvious footpath) to the beach before heading back up hill to the village itself.  On the beach, we discovered another free aire and decided as it was much nicer than the one we were currently on, it would be rude not to take full advantage after we had bought our sweet supplies.  While we were on the beach, we also found a cliff path to take us to the village, to save us having to go back uphill on the road, affording Powell a bit of extra sniffing time.  Hill climbed and breath caught, we headed off to buy our biscuits, only to find that everything was shut.  We’d even timed it, knowing that shops in France tend to be closed for 2 hours over lunch, so that we got into town after 2pm, but it would appear that the shopkeepers in this particular village had all decided to take their holidays in the last two weeks of October.  They’d all been good enough to leave notes on their doors t confirm they’d be back on 29 October, but that was no good to us.  The only place open was the public loo, so we used that instead and biscuitless, with heads hung slightly lower, we headed back to Dora and moved down the hill to the beach.

Preferred parking spot reached, we spent the rest of a lazy day wandering on the beach with Powell (Pete) and looking up possible future stopovers (me), before enjoying a beautiful sunset together.

We didn’t get any biscuits but we did get some pretty priceless views.  Pictures to follow when the internet connection is better...

We still have no biscuits after having spent another unplanned day here.  We woke up to high winds this morning, which continue as I'm typing!  It should settle a bit tomorrow - we hope so anyway as we're almost out of water and we need to go shopping!

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